
In Preparation / Under Review — Feedback welcome!

  1. Malcolm K, Uribe C, Yamagami M. A Federated Learning Framework For Personalized and Privacy-Preserving Biosignal Interfaces. In preparation.
  2. Yamagami M, Mitchell CL, Portnova-Fahreeva AA, Kong J, Mankoff J, Wobbrock JO. Customized Mid-Air Gestures for Accessibility: A $B Recognizer for Multi-Dimensional Biosignal Gestures. Under Review. [ Link to Preprint ]
  3. Madduri M, Yamagami M, Li SJ, Burckhardt S, Burden SA, Orsborn AL. Predicting and Shaping Human-Machine Interactions in Closed-loop, Co-adaptive Neural Interfaces. Under Review. [ Link to Preprint ]

Archival Publications

  1. Portnova-Fahreeva AA, Yamagami M, Robert-Gonzalez A, Mankoff J, Feldner H, Steele KM. Accuracy of Video-Based Hand Tracking for People with Upper-Body Disabilities. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. 2024 May 9. [ DOI | PDF ]
  2. Yamagami M, Portnova A, Kong J, Wobbrock JO, Mankoff J. How Do People with Limited Movement Personalize Upper-Body Gestures? Considerations for the Design of Personalized and Accessible Gesture Interfaces. In the ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS 2023). 2023. (30% acceptance rate) [ DOI | PDF ]
  3. Yamagami M, Mack K, Mankoff J, Steele KM. “I’m Just Overwhelmed”: Investigating Physical Therapy Accessibility and Technology Design Recommendations with People with Disabilities and/or Chronic Conditions. ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing (TACCESS). 2022 [ DOI | PDF ]
  4. Zaino NL, Yamagami M, Gaebler-Spira DJ, Steele KM, Bjornson KF, Feldner HA. “That’s Frustrating:” Stakeholder Perceptions of Provision, Use and AFO Needs for People With Cerebral Palsy. Prosthetics and Orthotics International. 2022 [ DOI | PDF ]
  5. Yamagami M, Junuzovic S, Gonzalez Franco M, Porter J, Ofek E, Cutrell E, Wilson A, Mott M. Two-In-One: A Design Space for Mapping Unimanual Input into Bimanual Interactions in VR for Users with Limited Movement . ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing (TACCESS) Special Issue on Adaptive Inclusive AR/VR Systems. 2022 [ DOI | PDF | Talk ]
  6. Besharat A, Imsdahl SI, Yamagami M, Nhan N, Bellatin O, Burden SA, Cummer K, Pradhan SD, Kelly VE. Virtual Reality Doorway and Hallway Environments Alter Gait Kinematics in People with Parkinson Disease and Freezing. Gait & Posture. 2021 Dec 11 [ DOI | PDF ]
  7. Yamagami M, Peterson LN, Howell D, Roth E, Burden SA. Effect of Handedness on Learned Controllers and Sensorimotor Noise During Trajectory-Tracking. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics. 2021 [ DOI | Code | PDF ]
  8. Yamagami M, Steele KM, Burden SA. Decoding Intent With Control Theory: Comparing Muscle Versus Manual Interface Performance. In Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2020). 2020. (24% acceptance rate) [ DOI | PDF | Talk ]
  9. Yamagami M, Imsdahl S, Lindgren K, Bellatin O, Nhan N, Burden SA, Pradhan S, Kelly VE. Effects of virtual reality environments on overground walking in people with Parkinson disease and freezing of gait. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology. 2020 Nov 3:1-8. [ DOI | PDF ]
  10. Yamagami M, Peters KM, Milovanovic I, Kuang I, Yang Z, Lu N, Steele KM. Assessment of dry epidermal electrodes for long-term electromyography measurements. Sensors. 2018 Apr;18(4):1269 [ DOI | PDF ]

Lightly Reviewed Publications

  1. Madduri M, Yamagami M, Millevolte A, Li SJ, Burckhardt S, Burden SA, Orsborn A. Co-Adaptive Myoelectric Interface for Continuous Control. In 4th IFAC Workshop on Cyber-Physical Human Systems (CPHS 2022). 2022 [ DOI | PDF ]
  2. Chou AHY, Yamagami M, Burden SA. Evaluating a Human/Machine Interface with Redundant Motor Modalities for Trajectory-Tracking. In 4th IFAC Workshop on Cyber-Physical Human Systems (CPHS 2022). 2022 [ DOI | PDF ]
  3. Peterson LN, Chou AHY, Burden SA, Yamagami M. Assessing Human Feedback Parameters for Disturbance-Rejection. In 4th IFAC Workshop on Cyber-Physical Human Systems (CPHS 2022). 2022 [ DOI | PDF ]
  4. Chasnov B, Yamagami M, Parsa B, Ratliff LJ, Burden SA. Experiments with sensorimotor games in dynamic human/machine interaction. In Micro-and Nanotechnology Sensors, Systems, and Applications XI 2019 May 13 (Vol. 10982, p. 109822A). International Society for Optics and Photonics. 2019 [ DOI | PDF ]
  5. Yamagami M, Howell D, Roth E, SA Burden. Contributions of feedforward and feedback control in a manual trajectory-tracking task. In 2nd IFAC Conference on Cyber-Physical & Human Systems, Miami, USA, Dec 14-15, 2018 [ DOI | PDF ]

Posters and Presentations

  1. Deehring M, Dhala A, Yamagami M. Data-Driven Modeling to Predict Rehabilitation Adherence from Wearable Sensors. Poster Presentation at 2024 IEEE BSN, Chicago, IL. 2024
  2. Yamagami M, Portnova A, Kong J, Wobbrock JO. Personalized Gesture Classification for Encouraging Non-Sedentary Behavior During Technology Use in People with Motor Disabilities. Poster Presentation at 2024 IEEE EMBC, Orlando, FL. 2024
  3. Peterson LN, Yamagami M. Generating Novel Representative Gestures from Kinematics Data. Poster Presentation at 2024 TEROS, College Station, TX. 2024.